Теме, о том как сохранить брак посвящено огромное количество фильмов, статей, книг, научных трудов и обывательских разговорчиков. Меня она интересовала всегда, по-моему даже до замужества. Решила выделить, на мой взгляд, самые важные правила идеального брака.
Here comes the sun
(And I say) it's all-right.
Little darling, It's been a long, cold, lonely winter.
Little darling, It feels Like years since it's been here.
Little darling, The smiles returning to their faces.
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes!
Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting.
Little darling, It seems like years since it's been clear.
Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun
(And I say) it's all-right!